Check out book reviews of young adult books from our L.A. classes! All genres...from fantasies to mysteries and biographies to poetry. We review them all!
Monday, 23 February 2015
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Favorite Book
My favorite so far is The Giver by Lois Lowry and I like it because this story is a story of what can happen in the future. The story is about a boy named Jonas who becomes the Receiver and finds out a lot of stuff about the world! There is excitement and interesting parts in the story!
My favorite book
My favorite book was The giver by Lowis Lowry.

My Favorite Book 2014-2015
My Favourite book of 2014-2015
Flyte from the Septimus Heap series is my favorite book this year. The author is Angie Sage.
My Favorite Series
6th grade,
6th grade L.A,
Fantasy Books,
Fantasy Novel,
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Five Little Monkeys
Title: Five Little Monkeys
Author: Lynne Avril
About Story:
Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.
One monkeys fell on the bed and he bumped his head.Mother called the doctor.
doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!"

Author: Lynne Avril
About Story:
Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.
One monkeys fell on the bed and he bumped his head.Mother called the doctor.
doctor said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!"
HALO: The Fall Of Reach
Title: HALO The Fall Of Reach
Author: Eric Nylund
HALO is a book about the SPARTAN project by ONI to crush human rebellion. The SPARTAN project was made by Catherine Elizabeth Halsey wich also made the MJOLNIR armor wich was made for the SPARTANS because any normal human can't have it their reflects aren't as good and when they moved their bones broke so they just gave it to SPARTAN's. In the end they were used to fight the covenant wich glassed planets and it was John 117 who destroyed the first destroyer with the help of sam and kelly to know how they did it read the book. I suggest this book to any HALO fan who wants to know more about HALO lore.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Diamonds in the sky
The diamonds in the sky by Bob Wright is an realistic fiction. Tom and ricky decides they want to learn more about planes and they go to the airport. They see this man and he helps them and Tom and ricky also help them bye fixing an real actual plane. And that man give them a ride. When they rode on it the robber came and he got control. He said to tom and ricky that this plane was full of diamonds and his dad put it on this plane during the worlds war. Now tom and ricky understood the man and they calmed him down and they got on land safely. I reccomand this book to anyone because it is an excellent book to read.
My Favourite Book is...
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Super-Mathew Cody
Super is the second book of the Powerless trilogy by Mathew Cody. This is a great book that has lots of twists and turns in it. The characters are Luisa, Rose, Daniel, Eric, Rohan and Mollie.
It starts in the usual summer day in Nobles Green Pennsylvania. When a new kid comes to town and almost figures out about the kids powers. Eric is flying up and crashing into the water making huge waves.
"So judges." he said "whats my score?"
I give you ten for style Daniel said But your form was a bit off, 8.5
Eric put his hands on his head in mock outrage
"What? Well I will just have to do it again"
"No do-"
But it was to late, Eric had already started peeling off into the sky above in preparation for his second super-soaking belly flop of the day.
"Way to go," said Daniel elbowing Rohan i the ribs "Better hold on to something- What is it?"
Rohan had a faraway look on his face that told you that he was sensing something nobody else could. It could be a small distraction, like a particularly delicious smell from several miles away, a baking pie in the next town over. Or something very dangerous.
"There's a car coming, his friend answered "too fast"
After this the new kid comes barreling down the street in his dads car right as Eric comes down in his belly flop and knocks the car off the bridge. This is how the story starts and it just gets better and better. I would give this Series five stars for those of you who like Fiction/Fantasy.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Title: Young Cam Jansen and the Spotted White Mystery
Arthur: David A. Adler
Character: Cam, Eric, Ms.Dee and Jen
About story: One day, they went to school. Then Jen find white cat. White cat will lost!! So they decided "We raise the white cat" Then they white the posters. Because they look for white cat owner. Next they ask some people about white cat. Last they went to office. Then they come in the office, the officer talk with woman. Suddenly white cat jump her arms. Yes, she is white cat owner. Then woman said "Thank you for find the my cat!!"
Miyu Ii
Book review by Ilya #4

To rescue his father, Sam survived a Viking attack, threats from Chicago gangsters, a tribe of enraged cavemen, and the eruption of Mount Vesuvuis. He stood trial for theft in ancient Greece and faced down Vlad the Impaler - the model for Count Dracula. Now he's returned with his father to the present day... but the faceless enemy who tried to keep them from coming back waits to ensnare them again. To find him and defeat him for once and for all, Sam must take one last series of trips through Time, encountering the tomb of a Chinese emperor, the secrets of Renaissance Rome, and finally frightengly, worst of all: the future...
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Avengers is a group that has 6 heroes to stop Loki. Loki was Odin's son. But he knew that he's different. And he noticed that his not Odin's son. So he betrayed Thor, who's Odin's son. And Loki has an army. So Nick Fury, he gathered all heroes together. There are Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Hawk Eye, and Black Widow. When they got Loki, they thought he arrested too easily. And that was right Loki's plan was using Hulk. So he used him. That's why he can be with his army again. Now, the war began, and the avengers won.
Futa's book review #4
I read the book called The Pharaoh's Secret. I chose this book because we are learning about Egypt in Social Studies and I thought reading fiction about what we are leaning might be good. This book is little boring at beginning but it started to get more exciting and unpredictable. The most interesting part for me in this book was when the main character Talibah found the secret key to the passage of the Pharaoh's room. The way she founded was really funny. She told her brother that she quit the search for Pharaoh but when she walked away, she pushed the secret button on the grounded the door opened. There was key in there. After that, she was able to get in and get some clues about Pharaoh. This book was right level so I think I picked the good book.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Magyk by Angie Sage
A few weeks ago I finished a book called Magyk by Angie Sage.It is the first book in the entire Septimus Heap series.Magyk is about...well Magyk, Wizardry with a different name.The book is a Fantasy/Conspiracy genre story about a castle that is corrupted by the Supreme Custodian(Not the cleaning custodian)and the Custodian army(I know It sounds ridiculous an armed force carrying brooms and mops but it is not that custodian).The castle has no king but it does have a queen.The queen in Magyk is shot dead but her newborn is saved by the young Extra-Ordinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand.Ten years later the Custodians Hatch a new Evil plot to kill the Queenling before she gains her right to the throne.What will happen next?Read to find out!
Magyk is very well written and I feel that the plot was laid out perfectly,In the sense that it feels like any time there is a slight lack of information the next chapter fills you in on it...But Slowly.The book also has a cool fonts for Magykal things like spells and potions,this makes them stand out amongst the rest of the text and makes the spell/item feel real by distinguishing it from other things/actions.The book also has a balance of action and explanation so the reader is always filled in and is never bored.I found this book so enjoyable it always left me saying "one more page..."
6th grade,
Angie Sage,
Book Review,
Lunch money by Jaehoon Jeong
Lunch money
by:Jaehoon Jeong
Lunch Money is about a young boy named Greg. Ever since he was little, he was interested in money. He loved to collect his money and see how large he can earn. Through doing his sister's and brother's chores as well as his own, he earned two hundred dollars when he was six, but his mother soon stopped his business by saying his siblings needed to do their own chores. Through selling lemonade and toys at school, he had a lots of money over three thousand dollars by the time he was in fifth grade!
But all was not well for Greg. His arch-rival Maura decides that she can make money, too. But Greg thinks that she is copying his ideas and taking all of his customers away. Will Maura take all of Greg's customers away? Will they ever learn to become friends?
I think that Greg is very smart to make money even though he is very young. How he has big dream and how he achieve it. But I can’t believe that he earned three thousand dollars by the time when he was fifth grade. I think it is cool. I have a question, did he have skills to make lot of money or was it his dream and achieved it?
I really enjoyed this book, because it is well detailed. I chose this book because when I searched internet, this book was pretty popular. I really recommend this book to people who doesn't know how to make money, I assume it is very helpful!
The chronicles of the Narnia Magician Nephew
The Chronicles of Narnia The Magician's Nephew by C.S.Lewis
By purpose of uncle Andrew, Digory and Polly get in to some other world with magic rings. There was only silence and all the people didn't move like plaster cast. However Digory wok up witch Jadis with the bell. Digory and Polly try to get out of that weird world and go back to their world. Somehow they came back to their world but the problem was that witch Jadis also came with them. In that world witch Jadis did what she wants. For example, she just take bread without paying in bakery, ride coach without permission and so on. As days go by, number of Jadis's victims increase. By complain of village people Polly and Digory decided to make witch Jadis get out of their world. Digory and Polly started to travel to find other world with uncle Andrew, one of victim Frank, and witch Jadis. Finally there was the another which is new born world. What problem they will face again in there? Don't you want to find out what will happen to them?
I recommend this book to people who likes to read fantasy or adventure.
Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan
Have you ever felt what it would be like to be in and era with castles, knights etc. Well if you would like that, you would love this series. It's the Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan.
Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge is about a boy named Will, Halt, Gilan, Horace and Evanlyn. The rangers fin out Lord Morgorath is planning an attack that would be deadlier than ever. When Will, Horace and Gilan set out on a journey, they find that all the villages have been deserted. Then when they start to wonder what had happened, a girl who goes by the name Evanlyn, comes and tells them that Morgorath came and took all the miners and some others had been taken prisoners. Evanlyn had been running from wargals (Morgoraths mind controlled monsters). Gilan leaves them to go somewhere else that is important. Will, Horace and Evanlyn find out that Morgorath is building a bridge to cross a fissure. Morgorath was going to fake everyone out by going another way. At night Will and Evanlyn go down to the bridge and start making a fire. The burn the bridge enough when they are taken prisoners by Skandians. (Horace wasn't). Horace goes back and tells everyone what happened. Then the battle begins. One army is defeated. One army retreats. Horace and Morgorath fight to the death. Will Morgorath, or Horace die. You'll have to did out in this gripping novel.
I liked this book a lot and you might also. I think you guys should give this series a try. This book will convince you to read it even if you don't like castles, knights etc.
Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge is about a boy named Will, Halt, Gilan, Horace and Evanlyn. The rangers fin out Lord Morgorath is planning an attack that would be deadlier than ever. When Will, Horace and Gilan set out on a journey, they find that all the villages have been deserted. Then when they start to wonder what had happened, a girl who goes by the name Evanlyn, comes and tells them that Morgorath came and took all the miners and some others had been taken prisoners. Evanlyn had been running from wargals (Morgoraths mind controlled monsters). Gilan leaves them to go somewhere else that is important. Will, Horace and Evanlyn find out that Morgorath is building a bridge to cross a fissure. Morgorath was going to fake everyone out by going another way. At night Will and Evanlyn go down to the bridge and start making a fire. The burn the bridge enough when they are taken prisoners by Skandians. (Horace wasn't). Horace goes back and tells everyone what happened. Then the battle begins. One army is defeated. One army retreats. Horace and Morgorath fight to the death. Will Morgorath, or Horace die. You'll have to did out in this gripping novel.
I liked this book a lot and you might also. I think you guys should give this series a try. This book will convince you to read it even if you don't like castles, knights etc.
Diary of a Wimpy kid
Diary of a wimpy kid is about a boy called greg writing who is day in his diary. Greg is a character that is not so cool. He has a funny life on going on in his family and with his best friend or a side kick Rowley. In this book the characters are Greg, his evil brother Roderick, mom, dad, Rowley, and greg's younger brother Manny. I read all of its series and I am enjoying every thing. I think that when I read I feel really bad for Greg because his day is just so hard and his brothers and parents make him look like a fool. As a fool I mean they treat greg like he is a baby and greg does not like that. I know how it feels because ,y mom cares about too much and thats really annoying. In this book there is no such thing as an end but does not feel like the end because its a diary and you know you can end a diary when ever you want to. I hope many people who love comedy books will read this because this is the just right book I reccomand to you!!!!
Flush by Carl Hiaasen
This book is about a boy name Noah, who lives in Florida, USA. His dad is a crime who sunk a casino boat. And Noah wants to prove that his dad is not a crime.
It is from Mr, Carl Hiaasen, who is a famous author who wrote, "HOOT", and "SCAT". It is a realistic fiction book so if you like a realistic fiction book, I think you wold like it.
It is from Mr, Carl Hiaasen, who is a famous author who wrote, "HOOT", and "SCAT". It is a realistic fiction book so if you like a realistic fiction book, I think you wold like it.
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