Thursday 1 May 2014

Millions by Frank Cottrell Boyce Review by Ramu

Millions a story by Frank Cottrell Boyce.This is a realistic fiction book.In this book there are two main characters Damian & Anthony they are brothers.Damian is telling the story.And another really important character is Dad.But unfortunately his mom dies.Anthony was a bit selfish, When Damian preyed for Money and Happiness even though they already had some of both.When he went outside his new apartment there was a sack he opened while a train was passing through.To his shock! there was money inside it loads of money.When he showed his brother Anthony this he was so happy.But this was the problem when "Damian asked should we show this to dad?" Anthony replied "never, cause then he will pay the taxes".Damian has  very big interest in saints and wants to do everything they do, one day he bought 15 birds and let them free.When the shopkeeper asked them where did you get all the money from they ignored him and never came to that shop again.If I tell you any more you cannot read the book,So read it for yourself.

I would rate this book a 4 out of 5, I really like money and I wonder what I would do with this money,I would make a company or something not buy Million awesome things.


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