This story takes place in nine different place in different time with main characters Jason and his cat, Gareth. Jason is a normal boy and he has younger brother. Gareth is a black cat with orange eyes. White sign of ankh was on his chest- and that was special! Gareth would looked like an owl when he hunched his shoulders and put down his ears. He looked like a pair of black silk pajamas when he stretched and when he sat on a window ledge, his eyes half-shut and his tail curled around him, he looked like a secret. It has not surprised Jason when Gareth spoke a word to him, but he was disappointed that cats actually didn't have nine lives. Gareth had secret power other than having lives, able to visit nine different lives. Anywhere, any time, any country, and any century. So Gareth decides to go travel with Jason.... Jason nor Gareth will not get protected, change mind in the middle, and both of them cannot be separated. Would they come back to their house peacefully without getting distracted..?
I'm enjoying this book because it has amazing details and creative ideas. they would travel into many different places such as ancient Rome, Egypt, Japan, Italy, and so on. I could picture it in my mind when Gareth communicate with people and how they solve problems. They would teach mini lessons to the king Neter-Khet that even Pharaoh cannot give orders to a cat and believe that every animals would follow him when he shouts at them. If I had such a cat like Gareth, I would want to visit the life in far ahead future and meet crazy scientists and see what do city looks like. What would you do if you meet a cat like Gareth?
I would give this book 4 stars(****). If anybody who are interested in reading fantasy and enjoy learning about history, you would definitely enjoy this book! It really explains about life in ancient city and how people were there. The sentences are very descriptive, and make readers visualize easily by including visual details(five senses). You can enjoy different views of the settings in the book by entering a gate of different places...! This book never let reader put down their book!
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