Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Physik by Angie Sage

A couple of weeks ago, I finished a book called Physik, but it should be called... FANTASTIC! 

The book was awesome! It is the third book in the Septimus Heap series. The book starts off with Snorri Snorrelssen, a Northern Trader with a pet cat named Ullr. Ullr is not just any ordinary cat, during the day, he is a fluffy orange cat with a black tip on his tail. But at night, he is a panther, with smooth black fur and a smooth black tail with an orange tip. Snorri is also very different from her species. She is a Spirit-Seer, that means she can see ghosts that don't even Appear to her! So anyway, while Snorri is doing her thing, Septimus is reading about the lost art of Physik. He is very interested in it and is reading papers written by an Alchemist named Marecellus Pye. Marcia is not exactly "happy" that Septimus likes it. She thinks that Magyk is much more important than any of that Alchemie and Physik. But Marcia will be proven wrong, read the book to find out how!

I would rate this book 4 stars

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