Thursday 10 December 2015

Divergent by Veronica Roth

This book is about a girl, Beatrice Prior, who has to choose a faction to live in. There are 5 factions: Erudite, Candor, Abnegation, Amity and Dauntless . The aptitude test will give her the most probable factions where she won’t be factionless after initiation. But Beatrice’s test gives a different result and she will have to choose all on her own. Will she choose Abnegation, which is where she comes from or one of the other factions? It’s up to her to choose...

I liked this book because it had a lot of suspense and it was very intriguing. What I liked also was the fact that you always wanted to continue it. I had sort of guess which faction she chose when I saw the cover. But if I read this book, it’s because I had started to see the movie but I didn’t finish it so I was wondering what could happen.

I rate this book 4.5 stars because I really liked the suspense and adventurous part but there was parts that were less intriguing and that I enjoyed less. But it is still a very good book and I recommend it to people who like suspense and adventure.

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