Monday, 10 November 2014

The Scorch Trails-James Dashner

This book is the second book of the Maze Runner trilogy. It is about how after they get out of the maze and return to the normal world but they do not know what is awaiting them, the reason that they were sent to the maze. Burned and baked the earth is a wasteland. It all started when huge sun flares infected earth turning it into a catastrophe and creating a dreadful disease called the flare. A contagions horrible cold that drives people crazy mad. Really mad. Madder than you think mad. very mad. When they first are sent back they are locked up in an old abandoned house when they finally break open the lock of their door using...... a fire extinguisher.
Three feet from his bed draped by colorful curtains, a window looked out into a bright blinding light. The glass was broken, jagged shards leaning against crisscrossed steel bars. A man stood on the other side, gripping the bars with bloody hands. His eyes were wide and bloodshot, filled with madness. He had no hair, only diseased splotches of what looked like greenish moss. A vicious silt streaked across his right cheek; Thomas could see teeth through the raw festering wound. Pink saliva dribbled in swaying lines from the mans chin.
"I'm a Crank!" the horror of a man yelled. "I'm a bloody Crank!"
And then he started screaming two words over and over and over, spit flying with every shriek.
"Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!..."
And now you know what the word mad means. For those of you who like Fiction and that little tinge of violent, this is your book! Those of you who like sunshine and happiness books with good endings.....


  1. Amazing Mekhi, AMAZING! I AM going to read this and the book before because you are making it that I NEED to read it!

  2. Sound scary. I like it!!!!!!!!!!
