Escape Under The Forever Sky (based on a true story)
By:Eve Yohalem
Gender: Realistic Fiction
You would think Being the American Ambassadors daughter in Ethiopia would be fun and one adventure after an other.But it is not that way for Lucy she can never leave her house except for going to school.And vacation has started Lucy could only see her best friend Tana at school and Tana's house.And when she went there Lucy and Tana snook out of the house and went to a restaurant,Dewit Tanas driver caught them and took them home fist Tana and never Lucy she got kidnaped by her friends driver will lucie be able to escape these people or will she die. Escape is not easy Lucy has to go through so many dangers she has to go through rough parts of an african jungle and the kidnapers who want Lucy back.Will she ever find her parents.
I loved how Lucy is full of courage when she escapes she has to face dangers and even lions almost eat her but she never gives up running.I also liked that she is so strong she is a person that never gives
up,Next I like the way lucie ran away wounded.I really loved this book.
"English please! "There will be no Amharic here.We speak a language all three of us understand,or we don't speak at all" She was definitely British. She had on of those boarding school accents that I could recognise anywhere-I had met enough of those girls. And she had just confirmed the men where speaking Amharic,so my initial hypothesis was proved correct : I had been kidnaped by greater than or equal to Ethiopian men - and one British woman.
I recommend this book to everybody that likes to read exciting books, and loves realistic fiction.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Wowww!! Im gonna put this book on my list!! ^^♥♥♥