She stopped and faced him. Even in the faint light, Dryden could see that she was terrified of something. She regarded him with nothing but caution and kept herself balanced to sprint again, though she seemed too out of breath to go much further.She wore jeans and a T-shirt but no shoes or socks. Her hair - dark brown, hanging below her shoulders - was clean but uncombed. The girl could have not been more the twelve. For the briefest moment her eyes intensified; Dryden could see the calculation going on behind them.
Just like that, her defensive posture changed. She remained afraid but not of him. She turned her gaze inland instead, back the way she'd come from, and scrutinized the darkness there. Dryden looked, too, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The inland run of the board walk led to the harbor road, across which lay the dune ridge, shrouded in the thick night. All appeared calm and quiet.
"You live here" the girl asked.
"Who's after you?"
She turned to him again and moved closer.
"I need somewhere to hide," she said. u "I'll tell you everything, but please get me out of here first."
"I'll take you to the police station, kid, but I can't___"
N"Not the police" she said, so abruptly that DRyden felt an impulse to turn and continue his jog. Whatever the girl was in trouble for, caught up in it was not going to improve his night.
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