Wednesday, 8 October 2014

A Dogs Life by Ann M. Martin

This book is one which is very sad, but also VERY good at the same time. It is written by Ann M. Martin. Squirrel (dogs name) has a life long journey as she tries to survive from rough hands to gentle and calm hands. Squirrel was born in a wheelbarrow by a house/farm with her mother and her brother Bone. Her mother teaches Bone and her to stay away from the humans, and she also teaches them how to hunt (and eat out of garbage cans), but one day their mother left Bone and Squirrel while they were still young pups. They were on their own for a while when Bone had been separated from Squirrel during an incident with humans. After that Squirrel was alone until she met a new friend... MOON. Moon and her were partners, they were even together in a big fight with older dogs, because they accidentally ate from their garbage can!

 My favorite part was when Squirrel was with moon on a Halloween night (which they did not know what was) and after that they began eating the leftover candy, but Squirrel did not eat the candy because she had already had the experience of it tasting good, but not having a good feeling afterwards.
This book made me feel a connection with Squirrel because she used so many feelings, and she had so many incidents happen to her, that I felt sad reading it. After I read the book I wanted the next book, but sadly nobody has written the next book :-(
I think everybody would like to read this book, and you reading this right now I recommend it to you!!!

By: Signe


  1. Well done, Signe! I wonder what kind of reader would like this book?

  2. Signe I want to read this book you did a very good book review
